Silver Dream Machine
Posted on 3rd June 2007
This week is the Centennary of the TT Races. To be honest I had even forgotten that they were still on. Once upon a time the races featured quite heavily in the news and the media, this year I only got to hear about it because I happen to flick through the cable channels looking for something to watch.
It's a shame that motorbike racing doesn't get anywhere near the same kind of coverage as other motorsports. Personally I prefer speedway, although I haven't been to a race meet for about 10 years, but it does seem that the media don't give motorbike racing much of an airing anymore.
When I was living in Holmes Chapel, my next door neighbours used to ride in junior scrambling meets around the North West. Their dad was an ex-rider of the TT races, and Nicks first scramble bike was built from his dad's Honda. I used to love going to watch them at the meetings, an occasionally I'd get to along to the practice sessions too. At one such practice I got to do a circuit once, no jumps or anything dangerous, and had a great time. It's been the only time in my life I've even rode a motorbike.
I probably won't see any of the TT results on TV, so I'll have to remember to check the site later in the week. Though, I still have no idea who any of the riders are anymore. Gone are the days of Mike Hailwood and the like, but I remember Carl Fogarty racing in later years. Maybe it will get a bit more coverage this year, being the centennary and all, but it would be nice to see a bit more of motorbike motorsports on TV.
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