Toronto - Danforth & Pape and Maple Leaf Gardens
After the conference I took more time to persue my Rush sightseeing tour. I took a train ride out to the Greek district, and located the cross section of Danforth and Pape, one of the segments of La Villa Strangiato, from Rush's 1978 album, Hemispheres. Not sure why Alex chose this intersection for a title, but still it got me to see a bit more of the city than just the centre.
On the way back, I stopped off at The Maple Leaf Gardens, mostly known as a sports arena, but also hosted larger concert events, including several by Rush ... obviously ;) I then walked back down to the shopping district. In the process of taking some further photos of kids running through the water fountains, I happen to take one of a girl who was enjoying being able to cool off in the heat. What was more intriquing was what was happening off camera. I was on the opposite side of the street, and when I looked up, the taxis had stopped out of shot of the camera, waiting for me to take the picture. Where in the UK would that ever happen!
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