Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Posted on 5th February 2009

The snow has been thick everyday of the week so far, and this morning looked particular uninviting for travelling the 45 miles to work. We had a new blanket overnight and while the kids are currently enjoying the snowball fights, I'd rather be here in the warm. If it stays like this at the weekend, I might have to take Dan up to the Waseley Hills for some sledging. I can't see Dan's football match being on, even though they managed to play in a blizzard on Sunday.

File Under: birmingham / weather

Down In The Park

Posted on 6th April 2008

Ethne & DanDan

Ethne & DanDan

After waking up to snow, we took the kids round to the park to throw snowballs and build snowmen.

Snowball fight!

Snowball fight!

Up on the hill it looked like a few people were even venturing down the slope on sledges. Seeing as it's a steep hill, they obviously felt quite brave. Some kite flyers were also having a good day up there too.

Meanwhile, DanDan made a snow angel and four snowmen, while Nicole and Ethne made another. Ethne made us laugh by adding a bum to her snowman, although it looked more like a pronounced tail. Should have added long ears and called it a snow bunny :)

File Under: dandan / ethne / family / rubery / weather

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday

Posted on 6th April 2008

Snowy Rubery

Snowy Rubery

I commented to someone in the US recently that we'd had snow, blistering gales, rain and only a bit of sunshine over the last week. He then replied "all four seasons, wow!" However, the snow we had was only light had gone within an hour of the sun being out.

Not so this morning!

We awoke to discover Birmingham has been covered in a blanket of snow, and not just a light covering, but a couple of inches in places. DanDan was supposed to be playing a football match today, somehow I doubt that now. Ethne got all excited when she saw it all. I think trying to stop them playing outside today might be a bit difficult ;)

File Under: birmingham / rubery / weather


Posted on 19th November 2007

It's snowing!

It's snowing!

Early this morning, just before going to bed, we happened to look out into the back garden and noticed a rather large abundance of white. It had been trying to snow earlier in the day, but it hadn't been settling. After it had gone dark it would seem the snow had fallen a little more heavily. I tried taking some photos through the kitchen window, using a night setting, but I think it would have been better had I been outside. Seeing as I was too tired to go out (it was 2am) and it was far too cold, I had to make do. Hopefully this won't be the last snow, as I'd like to get some with Ethne playing in the snow :)

File Under: birmingham / brum / life / photography / rubery / weather

Summer Holiday

Posted on 6th August 2007



For the last week the family and I have been taking a well deserved break down on the South coast in Torquay, Devon. As the weather around Birmingham and Gloucestershire has been extremely wet this past month, we weren't sure whether the holiday would be a wash out too.

Thankfully, we caught two overcast days while travelling down and our first day there, but then we got 3 days of sun. Thursday rained in the morning, but then the sun broke through again. We only spend a day and a half on the beach as the rest of the time we spent seeing lots of sights, and there are plenty of things to see in and around Torquay. In fact there are so many we're now thinking about going again next yearso we can see the rest :)

I took several thousand photos, and a few videos, which I'll be trimming down considerably. But I thought it would be good to post a few entries that highlight some of the sights we got to see. After all if you're ever planning a trip to somewhere, it's always worth seeing what other people thought of the places.

We all had a good time and the highlights were many. However the most entertaining thing was watching Ethne pulling her "smelling face" whenever she bent to smell flowers.

File Under: devon / ethne / family / weather

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