Somewhere in Time

Posted on 27th April 2008

Heroes started again in the UK this week. Thanks to some scouring of the internet earlier in the year, some friends had manage to get hold of the complete series as broadcast in the US before the writers strike. As such I've already watch it all, but it's one of those shows that it's just as enjoyable watching it all again.

Reading some of the reviews earlier in the year, I was surprised that there was a bad reaction to all the new characters. From the first episode the plot lines are drawn very well, and I felt the new characters complimented the stories very well. In fact in some cases they are pivotal to progression of the characters we have already grown to love from the first series.

I'm not going to give away any plot lines, but after the ending of the first series, there was a huge hole in our television viewing, so this series had a lot of expectations place upon it, both to answer some of the outstanding questions and to be bigger and better than the first series. Some of the questions do get answered, and there are plenty more to keep you guessing all the way to the end, but it's a series that actually does exceptionally well at bringing the expectations back up and priming you ready for the third series.

Due to the writers strike, the second series ends after 11 episodes, but they've ended it very well, and like the ending of the first series has you eagerly waiting to see what happens next. There was also meant to be a off-shoot series entitled Origins, but with all the delays and the work now having to concentrate on Series 3, that has been cancelled. It's a shame as I quite like the idea of there being some side stories that don't detract from the main storylines of Heroes. Mind you, there is also the fact that being one of the best TV series around at the moment, we're in dire need of something decent to watch. Although Medium, Dexter and Pushing Daises are doing a good job too :)

File Under: heroes / tv

No More Heroes

Posted on 17th July 2007

I've been waiting to use this title just for this moment. Last night was the season finale of Heroes. Probably the best TV drama that's come out of the US ever. All the ones that reached the UK in recent years have left me cold, but Heroes has entertained and enthralled me for the past 24 weeks.

The character build up and story lines have been fantastic and the comic book style appealled to the inner teenager in me. The subtle humour was just right and never over stepped the mark and the surprises of who was playing Hiro's dad, Claude and Mr Lindermann were done just right.

One thing I've been really impressed with is the extra online content that NBC have provided. I didn't know about it to begin with, but a few weeks ago a friend pointed me at the extras that on the face it are online comics (sorry graphic novels) that fill in a lot more character background, but in addition there are several easter eggs that include several behind the scene photos.

I would say the DVD release would keep me busy, but it looks like it won't be released in the UK until after Christmas. It has a ton of extras too.

I'm glad there are plans to do a second Season, and I loved the beginning that was shown at the end of Season One. There were certainly some interesting hooks between the two seasons, even withonly a short clip. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but if the story lines, acting and special effects match Season One then, Season Two will be equally unmissable.

The only downside is now I have to wait for the next season to be broadcast.

File Under: heroes / tv

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