Papa's Got a Brand New Bag

Posted on 10th March 2008

I wouldn't normally comment much on the football, outside of DanDan's current achievements, but last night he wanted to watch the live match before going to bed. Now that he has a better TV in his room, I set it so he could watch the game in bed. As I was working downstairs I didn't bother turning the TV off or changing over to another channel, and found myself watching it too. The game was Bristol Rovers vs West Bromich Albion. With DanDan's guardian being a Baggies fan, I get the feeling DanDan may just end up being a Baggies fan too. The game istelf was a good match to watch, and until this morning I didn't think too much about it.

What I hadn't realised is that this was just one of a whole set of surprises for the FA Cup Quarter Finals, with Cardiff beating Middlesborough, Barnsley beating Chelsea and most importantly Portsmouth beating Manchester United. Having lived in the shadow of the big city for the first 17 years of my life, it is always great to hear of a lesser club taking them on and giving them a good run for their money. However, what amused me even more, sorry positively delighted me even more, was the fact Portsmouth beat Manchester United AT Old Trafford! Oh how virtually all of the North West of England, particularly Manchester, must have enjoyed that :) Manchester United might have the biggest fanbase in the world (allegedly), but not in Cheshire and Lancashire.

Apparently this will be the first time in 17 years that a 'top four' Premier league side hasn't appeared in the Final, with Portsmouth being the only team from the Premiership in with a chance of being there. Seeing as they're set to play The Baggies, I think they'll be in for some tough competition. If Portsmouth don't take the trophy home, it'll be the first time since 1981 that a team not from the top division will have won. There's a lot riding on The Baggies from around the midlands, so it'll be interesting to see how they do. "Boing Boing, Baggies Baggies" indeed :)


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