Mr Roboto

Posted on 31st March 2007

Following my interviews yesterday for other roles within the company, I've been offered the role of QA Automation Analyst. An unusual role in that I'm going to be looking at ways to enable the automation of current test procedures, so we can have complete regression tests running overnight, allowing the testers to concentrate on edge cases and the like.

It's pretty much going to be a similar excise to automating CPAN Testing, so I should be quite suited to it. I've been surprised that there isn't already some automation, as it's been talked about for some time. I guess they've just needed someone like me to be around to take advantage of :)

It will add more validity to me going to conferences, talking about testing, and being involved in testing workshops, etc, so that makes me happier. If I'd stayed in a traditional development role, it might have been more difficult to justify several people going to YAPC::Europe. This way it'll just be me from the QA department.


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